UPDATE: 1/12/14 - Hey everybody guess what!? After five months, I've packed my bags and I am finally leaving the shelter today and going into a home. Life is good!

Hi folks! I am Dino.
Any of you out there have one of those nasty winter colds for way too long?! I sure do!
If I could get out of this place, I'd shake this kitty cold in no time. I've been at the San Jose shelter since August so it's high time for me to bust out of here. I simply need a forever home, people to love me and a cozy place to recoup.
Any of you out there have one of those nasty winter colds for way too long?! I sure do!
If I could get out of this place, I'd shake this kitty cold in no time. I've been at the San Jose shelter since August so it's high time for me to bust out of here. I simply need a forever home, people to love me and a cozy place to recoup.
I think that would be a super situation for both of us because I am the favorite of shelter cat volunteers! This is due to my mellow Zen personality and affectionate demeanor. I like other cats, too (and I might even be okay with dogs). So, if you already have a feline family, I'll fit right in once I've kicked my cold.
I am young guy at 1.5 years old and am looking to get on with my life.
Got a permanent place for me to move into? Submit an application to the cool peeps at San Jose Animal Advocates - here. They'll answer questions about me too, just email them at [email protected]
I am young guy at 1.5 years old and am looking to get on with my life.
Got a permanent place for me to move into? Submit an application to the cool peeps at San Jose Animal Advocates - here. They'll answer questions about me too, just email them at [email protected]